Thursday, July 20, 2006

Last night. Oy last night.
The boys watched some show with dump trucks and big scoops. I cleaned the kitchen. Then Daddy decided it was time for bed. Fine by Joseph he was OUT out! Derek was not. In a funny mood didnt want to be left alone. Daddy went to bed I was left to put Derek to bed. I am laying on the floor because he was grumpy about me being in his bed and I was grumpy about him being in mine. Finally 11 pm his eyes close. I head to my bed. Dominic is alseep for moments then he starts coughing. Needs a cough drop. I get him one but he keeps falling asleep so I stay awake to keep waking him so he wont fall asleep with the cough drop in his mouth. Finally is just after midnight he's alseep. I am on my way. 1 am Derek needs water. I am up and getting.
3 am Joseph is up.
4 am Joseph is up
6 am Joseph is up
7 am Joseph is up.
8 am I cant take it anymore
8:45 the doorbell rings the darlings from across the street want to know ...blah blah blah

And because I am not the vice president and CEO of the GoodLuck Club.... my son did not get into the morning preschool class no, he got afternoon. I had it all pretty much planned working in the both classrooms in the mornings, coming home doing some homework some mornings. Now I'll get about an hour to myself after school starts in August. I guess I was counting my chickens way too soon.

So the darlings from across the way are here. Tearing up the room already.
My husband made a dentist appointment for both boys and put on add on craigslist to sell some stuff. The lady is coming at lunch time to look at the stuff and I have to take the boys to the dentist on my own. Thanks honey you sure know how to help a girl out dont you?

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