Thursday, July 27, 2006

PMS Rantings and other stuff


I am so addicted to this. Thanks to Mindy over at
for brining it to my attention. I am a sucker for a great speaker. I love me some Tony Robbins and some Al Gore.

So much rolling around on my mind today.

Andrea Yates found not guilty. May be getting to go home soon. I say amen to that. I really do. Others who ignored the pain and suffering should pay for what happened to those children not her honestly.

Tour De France winner Floyd Landis flunks drug test. Was he doping? Do I care? I mean as a Tour and Cycling fan I care. But it's more than that. I think we expected so much from atheletes and without performance enhancers is it really possible? I am not saying no I am just asking. Dominic says no, train hard, throw the hammer down and do it. We disagree on this.
I feel bad for Floyd I do.

A dead cow was on the front page of my local paper. My mother, a life long resident said "that was not a good idea people are gonna complain" and sure enough they did. They have. I guess people have forgotten what really is the foundation of this city. It's the dairy farmers, the railroad families. So many people that have moved here from their prescious Bay Area all they ever do is complain. Go back then I wont miss you.
( I have severe PMS right now. Throw me some chocolate I'll be ok)


Anonymous said...

Your ideas are 'out there' sometimes, but Andrea Yates, allowed to go home?? It's someone else's fault??

Anonymous said...

I have to say, I was pretty dissappointed Andrea Yates didn't get at least life in prison. I would have preferred execution, but you are intitled to your opinion.

Anonymous said...

I am COMPLETELY shocked that you are showing any sympathy for Andrea Yates. 5 CHILDREN she held under that water til their deaths!! CALMLY.... one at a time!!!
Yes she is definitely crazy, but I bet 90% of the serial killers in our prisons are crazy too. Should we let them all go? Maybe if they were all female and killed their own children instead they'd be out walking around too. What if it would have been some dude loaded up on meds just wandering by the house while the kids were alone? Would he be packing his bags to go home now? Hell no... they'd be deciding whether or not to give him the death sentence.
Sorry... I can not find the compassion for this woman that you have shown. I think her AND that piece of shit husband of hers should be locked up for good.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I have to agree. My mind won't even allow me to imagine what her children were thinking as their mom was drowning them. There does seem to be a double standard attached here somehow. Like John said, even if it was just the dad that lost his mind the same way, this would all be different right now.