Here's to my best friends.

To "Boom Boom" who wont like that I used this picture but I love it. It's HER. Sh ie a dear wonderful "soul" friend who takes the good bad and ugly of me. We dont seem to like the same anything but mermaids, lighthouses, Chik Fila and our boys but we still get along (well maybe the 3000 miles apat has something to do with that) She makes me laugh, helps me cry, slaps me when I need it and is always the best voice on the other end of the phone. 2008 I am so there in your pool, you better getch yourself ready girlie!

The girls in this pic. Lordy. Fights and feuds and all that hairspray and that was just that trip! Who knew that would be how the res of our friendship would be. Shauna, Val and Lisa I wouldnt be the person I am today wtihout them and althought somedays I am not happy abou tthat in the end I just wouldnt trade my life with anyone bottome line. Thanks girlies.
Thanks Tam! I love you to death. I'm glad we've weathered the storms. Happy Best Friend Day!
Oh you made me smile. Then I saw the picture. Then I wasn't smiling. Stinker. But thank you. A million thank yous.
I definitely think the thousands of miles help us but I KNOW that if we lived local to each other, we'd be fine. A few hang ups maybe, a few tears probably, but we'd be fine. It's called passion about what you believe in. We both have it!. It's a good thing.
Love you.
What about me? Sorry I am just feeling really sorry for myself lately. 5th Grade SUCKS. And I know I am still your pal.
p.s. I promise to call soon and tell you all the details of 5th grade, once I am done with my homework
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