Saturday, August 26, 2006

I dont think I want to work with children. This may or may not come as a surprise to some. The Communication Disorder class I am taking is really kicking my butt. The book is so dry to me.
I am struggling with it. I think I want to work with adults, stroke patients, that type of thing.
I know I will not be diagnosing I will only be administering the treatment.

So today I talked with my beloved cousin in front of my mom and I dont think my mom ever got how deep I am in to this school gig. That I am taking 12 units. 4 classes. It's as much as my "real college" cousins take. Whatever that meant. I guess mine is not a real college.

Dominic's work schedule will be changing soon and he wont be off till 6 pm. I have class at 6. How will this work? The answer most or one will say is it wont you much drop that class. Why must I always be the one to sacrafice? Sometimes it doesnt feel like she ever gave up that much.


Anonymous said...

A trusted neighbor? Family, friends, there's someone out there who can watch your kids for half an hour or so. No need to sacrifice your class. Hang in there, it's all going to work out.

Shauna said...

As a communication major, it will get better. The first class is the hardest, but you'll get through it and it will be fine. Don't quit yet.

Anonymous said...

Wait until you're almost done THEN give up.

Balancing Act; Jenn said...

Someone's an asshole.