Some days (like today) your life can be like a decadent piece of chocolate cake: so intense and delicious that you savor every bite -- and don't ever want it to end. When you are with the people you love the most today, that is the type of feeling you will have. It is a wonderful gift to have these people in your life -- make sure they understand this and tell them how you feel in the only way you know how. Be careful not to focus on tomorrow so much that you forget to be grateful for today. -
Isnt that the sweetest thing? That's my horescope for today.
When my head hit the pillow last night just before midnight it was hard for me to shut my mind off. Lists. Schedules. School projects, papers, Derek's upcoming birthday party. Spinning. Plus I had my first night of Sign Language last night. My instructor spent the whole first 30 min. speaking only in sign language to us. While I knew a few signs it was rough going to have to really concentrate on what she was saying. It's a conceptional language. No multi tasking. It really hurt my brain a little.
The boys are in a habit of getting up between 6:00 and 6:30 all of the sudden. Usually they wont be up till 7 or 7:30 if I drag them out. This is very odd to me. But they have some time to play now before school so I guess they are digging that.
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