Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Sunday night Dominic and I decided to wash the car. Derek was already outside playing so we took Joseph out and started the task.
After a bit I noticed the court was swarming with kids. At one point I counted 11. The parents out there was 2. Me and Dom. So I had stop the car wash and watch the kids. There were kids on bikes, kids on scooters, kids with boxing gloves and two little kids watching the water make a freeway down the block from the car wash. I was having a very hard time keeping up with all these kids.
At one point Joseph (the youngest but not really the smallest) was playing with J from down the street. He really likes J he's close in age to him. Joseph and J went over were Derek and another boy were playing with boxing gloves and put one on each too. The next thing I know as dark is starting to creep in I see J running home cying. I asked the bigger boys why J was crying why was he gong home. They said he got hit in the nose and ran home.

Joseph and I went down to his house to check on him. I could hear him crying inside when I knocked. His mom answered and I asked if J was alright. She said "Well Derek hit him in the nose" and I said "well all of the kids had boxing gloves on" at this point Joseph held up his little gloved fist and then she said "yeah well the bigger boys always pick on him" and it really pissed me off. I wanted to say "WELL MAYBE IF YOU WERE OUT HERE WATCHING YOUR LITTLE BOY IT WOULD HELP." but I didnt I was shocked she was taking the whole story from a 4 yeard old. Then she said "We just arent going to let him outside to play" well if you're not going to come out and watch him then maybe that would be best. I am sick and tired of having to watch everyone kids while they stay inside and enjoy a kid free evening and then blame me when their kids get hurt and then blame my kid.
(Please note these were not real boxing gloves, more like sparring gloves sort of thing. Not to say it wuoldnt smart if you got hit with one but not the same as a real boxing glove)

So I am glad summer is coming to an end. I am foolishy believing I will get a break from it all but it's not true it never happens like that.

Then I find this parents daughter has started to call Derek the meanest kid on the court at school. Derek blew it off and said "whatever" but boy my blood was boiling cuz I wonder where she's hearing that?
I want cold and rain and to stay indoors for a bit.

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