Thursday, September 28, 2006

Parenting Quiz

Parenting Quiz from the PinkDiary she rocks and she lives in Hawaii she's so awesome.
Please answer honestly (wink wink)

If my child begs for a taste of my Twinkie, I:

Distract him with an age-appropriate educational toy.
Give him a homemade, whole-grain, juice-sweetened muffin.
Hand it over

I let my child watch TV only when:

There’s an educational show on public television.
I have time to narrate the action for him, strengthing our bond and building his language skills.
I want to take a shower.

If my child gets a big stain all over her sleeper, I:

Rub it thoroughly with stain remover, then presoak it in the washing machine
Wash it by hand and hang it to dry in the garden for a lovely fresh scent.
Buy her a new one.

I dress my child in:

Cute coordinated prints.
Darling ensembles with matching socks.
Whatever she didn’t trash yesterday.

I trim my child’s nails:
On a regular schedule, with mini-clippers.
Daily, with a junior-size imported electric ouchless emery board.
You’re supposed to trim their nails?

I read my child nothing but:
Board books with stimulating, high-contrast pictures.
Flash cards that teach the theory behind polynomial equations.
Random passages from my Danielle Steel novel.

To protect my child from harmful bacteria, I:
Wash her hands often.
Regularly scrub the kitchen and bathroom and soak all her toys in a bleach solution.
Try not to let her play in the litter box.

I bathe my child:
Three to five times a week.
Whenever visitors start to comment on his tan.

My highest goal as a parent is to:
Raise a moral child.
Produce a spiritual yet practical being who can one day take his place among our nation’s leaders.
Get him to quit eating carpet lint.

What your answers say about you:

Mostly 1’s: Liar

Mostly 2’s: Big Fat Liar

Mostly 3’s: You may not be perfect, but at least you’re honest.

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