Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day.

The world is a sea of red hearts, balloons and flowers, cards and commercials for jewelry today.

When we were dating and Dominic said he didn't get me anything for Valentines Day, Christmas or my birthday I always thought he was just saying that so the snoop in me wouldn't look for something. I would always think he was just saying that and my hopes would still be up. But I learned that when he said that he meant it. The day would come and nothing. No card. No gift. I would spend the holiday dashed and hurt. Well my honey did not disappoint this year either.

Oh he warned me "I didn't get you anything." and he said he went to the mall yesterday and I sort of made sure he had some cash in his wallet so he couldn't use the old "If I buy something you'll see it on the online bank account" but no. Nothing. I guess the mall didnt have anything. Imagine that.

Nothing from the kids. Nothing from my mom.
I am old enough and have done this enough that I should not be hurt by this. I have spent enough Valentines Day, birthday's Christmas, mothers day empty handed. I should be use to it. But every year it stings a little bit more. It makes me think maybe I am not worthy. Maybe I need to be a better wife in the coming year. I am sure I could always improve maybe that would help. Maybe

But to all of you. I hope the one you love loves you back in just the right way. A nice flower, a nice card, a nice note. Something. Just anything. It will make all the difference in the world to them. Trust me.

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