Monday, April 16, 2007

We got a dog!

Ok not a real dog. This dog. His name is Rex and I love him. Love.Him.
Derek got a Nintendo DS Lite thank to Nana and Papa some guilt and some hard work and every last dime he could scrap together. And we got the Dogs game. I cannot stop playing with the stupid thing and I worry about him when Derek just leaves him. sigh.
Stupid game!
I like to feed him and give him water and when you pet him he gets very happy. It's big fun but really making me want a dog in a BIG way.
For now we have Rex. Isnt he cute?


Balancing Act; Jenn said...

Noah likes the Happy Feet and Brain Age game/s. Have not heard of that one that ya'll are playing with. I have to put limits on him! It's addicting. Or it can be.
Have much fun with it.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god.... We will be over this weekend. The DS will interact with other DS so that you can share so Derek can get different dogs from Collin and Mathew. The DS has given me a lot of quiet time. :)


Daniel said...

I had that game for a while back before I sold my DS (I have another one now). Had a Welsh Corgi named Ein. I stopped playing and felt bad leaving her alone for so long.