Monday, May 12, 2008

Hearts and Flowers and Cards

It sounds from like you all had a wonderful mother's day. Sounds like some of you had some wonderful naps. That would have been a grand. I should have thought of that.
I felt like I was coming down with something and a nap would have helped. Should have tried that. I got the laundry caught up that felt almost as nice as a nap?
We went to the bike shop to get some things Dom needed for his bike. We took the kids to McDonalds so Joseph could get a Speed Racer toy which is was actually pretty cool. Then we went to the phone store to get some things Dom needed for his new phone. I went and picked up some Baja Fresh for us to have. I put the kids to bed and finally went to bed about 10:30 exhausted.
It sort of felt like a regular Sunday. I am glad it's over. No need to make a big deal about it right? Gee whiz.
My husband is not good with birthday's or holidays, it's better if we just sort of glide over them and move along. I make sure the cards are purchased and sent I make sure the gifts are sent and since these holidays are left up to him he struggles with them. Derek made me a card at school and sort of called me Marilyn in it. (?) It's an odd day and they sort of try and sort of just hold their breaths and try to get through it. I agree boys lets just get through it.
Glad it's over.

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