Saturday, December 13, 2008

This is udderly odd... Hahahahaha

Give an Udderly Original Gift

What would be the better gift for someone you love this holiday season - another present that gathers dust on a shelf? Or a donation that represents a heifer and training in its care, that brings health and hope to struggling families?Better still, every gift multiplies, as the animal's first offspring is passed on to another family-then they also agree to pass on an animal, and so on.A good dairy cow can produce four gallons of milk a day - enough for a family to drink and share with neighbors. Milk protein transforms sick, malnourished children into healthy boys and girls. The sale of surplus milk earns money for school fees, medicine, clothing and home improvements.And because a healthy cow can produce a calf every year, every gift will be passed on and eventually help an entire community move from poverty to self reliance. Now that's a gift worth giving!

You can give a whole cow for $500 or share a cow with someone for $50.

I am not even kidding. Here is the link if you're interested.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tammy/////Anut Suzanne and I been part of this for twenty=five years.