Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Isnt he cute? Yes he is. Very cute.
We call him Shark Boy. He was a shark for halloween you know. Do you know why? BECAUSE HE DOES NOT SLEEP!!!
He did not close those precious eyes until 12:37 am. I am so not even kidding! I was about to lose my mind. He wanted to run laps around the house and play ball. I kept it dark, I put on smooth jazz, I watched a boring tv show. He would not go to sleep. And you cant make a toddler go to sleep when they dont want to. It's a fight you are so not going to win. So I tried to keep him happy but he wanted to wrestle a sleeping big brother and play catch with a sleeping daddy. It was bad. Horrible.
Finally I gave him a bottel of warm milk and told him the most detailed filled story I could think of and he passed out.
They say people who have strokes often have problems sleeping they cant get out of stage 1 sleep. The dcotors say it's not that. I say next time you want to come over at midnight and tell me that and I might kill you with my bare hands.
They told me Derek got sick because he would not take his medicine and I was just not being firm with him. I said "Listen here he is you professional health care worker you make him take it and show this room how I am a terrible wimpy mom I am go ahead" and low and behold 3 nurses agreed they had never seen a kid fight like that.
I might not know much in this world but I know my kids.
And I love them anyway. Look at that face how could you not?
(insert Jaws theme here)

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