I grew up in a house thinking children should be seen and not heard. Thinking my father didnt like the noise.
I had it pretty wrong. My mother didnt care for the noise. We tried to walk on egg shells to make it all perfect for her, for him. We tried so hard to make it perfect we were no one near the mark at all.
So now I say what I feel. Right or wrong. Sometimes I piss people off. Sometimes I embarass people but thats just the way it goes. If I love ya I love ya, chances are you are gonna hear it.
Sometimes I think maybe I talk about Jenn and Lucas too much for some peoples liking. Too bad I say.
We've been thru a lot her and I. On different scales. Different levels. We will be aged to no where near perfection but we arent about to go out without a fight and laying it all out there for you. You will know where you stand with us. Know this.
I write about Lucas all of my days. I will keep the photo on my nightstand of him all of my days. I remember the day he came in to this world and the day he left it. There is nothing anyone can do about it.
I just needed to set that straight.
What I can say is this. I am one of your friends who is not there, near local to anywhere you live or you to I. Others probably find our friendship strange. I mean if you think about it, we only knew each other for a short amount of time compared to you and your other friends etc.
I'm sure everyone is sick to death of hearing anything about me or my dead son. I mean, my God, he only died, what do you want, I'm supposed to not make anyone's life uncomfortable or talk about it ever again.
I appreciate you Tammy for all you have done and said and thought for all of us, our whole family. I can't tell you what to do , I have long known that :) but if someone/s is/are giving you grief about writing about me, just oblige them. I know what you feel and think. To make them all comfy in their life, you don't have to write about me or my boys. I can do that for myself, you know? They don't have to read over at my site but since they come here, just oblige them. That's what friends are for no?
Please forgive me in advance for my sarcastic comments. I'm coming off a not fun last few days.
more later to you in email probably should have sent more in email than doing this anyway.
I don't mind hearing about Lucas, it always makes me cry though (tearing up now). For Jenn, someone I don't know except through my friend, I have a deep respect and yesterday (or whenever it was) where Tammy said others wouldn't have gotten out of bed-that would have been me. So, I don't know who said they didn't want to hear about Lucas, but I don't mind.
Jenn-I admire you a lot, from what I have read over time, you are a very strong person. I don't mind hearing about Lucas Tam. Just my 2 cents on the situation.
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