Friday, August 25, 2006

Night School is for the birds.

Dominic has been coming home for lunch that past two weeks. It's been really nice. Today I don't think he's coming and suddenly I am all pissy about it.
The dryer is broke. Caput! Nothing! That stinks in every language. It needs new motor they say. Grr!

Last night in my class, the one class I need the most, that really means the most the women in it would not shut up. The instructor had lots of stories to tell and thats great when they relate to the topic at hand which they did but some women just went in to so many other areas I almost killed them. ALL.

The one woman had to go in to great detail that her daughter has autism. Ok that's fine it relates but we heard all about your precious last week. Lets move one. The one lady has 5 kids and up and said her hubby Vinnie just left her up and left her. Hmmm cant imagine why he would do that!?! And now she has to go get a job.

My instructor saw me roll my eyes, breath heavily and said "the great thing about this job is you can work with just about any kind of people you want. If certain people are hard for you to deal with you can go in to another area" Amen!
So since they blabbed the night away we barely covered the material, and we had to stay till later than we should have. This is a course related to the field. We will really need this material. I don't want to sit in a class for three hours without learning anything.
OH and then they were all complaining that we have to take a PEA course. The American Speech and Hearing Association is requiring that every certified assistant take it. IT'S REQUIRED. They pissed and moaned about it. Most of the really heavy ones. Like it would kill them to take a PE class. Which I almost said. You might not be huffing and puffing so after climbing up to the 4th floor. Then they took the elevator down.
I know it's only 17 weeks. That is what's getting me thru. Just 17 weeks.

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