Thursday, April 05, 2007


If you've never read Dooce before I encourage you to check her out. But be forewarned she has a pretty weird sense of humor that took me a bit to catch on.
But she's happy today and for her that is a pretty big thing to tell the world and even though I am sitting her in my own pile of unhappiness I had to crack a smile that she was finally able to declare she was in a good place.
So spread the joy today even if it isn't your own. It's Holy Thursday and even though it wasn't exactly a joyous day looking back I guess it was leading to something bigger and that is all that any of us can ever hope for.


AJ said...

yeah i'm looking for happiness. It seems every time I spot it it ducks back around the corner.

I'm gonna take more of a look at that web site later.

i wanna check yous out. Thanks for linking me!

Anonymous said...

I really needed to hear the last line of your blog today. I worry so much about things, that I forget it's really all in God's hands anyway. Thanks Tam.