Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Good Intro Goes Here

Today we sat down and discussed Joseph's future with his teacher. He's been hanging out in the kindergarten room for a few weeks now and holding his own but he has "global" delays that we have never really been able to measure.
Meaning. While his fine and gross motor skills are delayed along with his speech (which we knew) There are things he should be doing and can't. Even with a resource specialist he has trouble. Also he's a bit emotionally delayed. We knew this too. He is, after all, only 4 while the kids in the class are 5 and some are already 6.

The state will not allow him to hang out in preschool another year. So what do we do with him? Once he's 5 (in July) he has to go somewhere. We were not comfortable with a mainstream kindergarten class just yet.

So we placed him (or will be placing him) in a Special Day Class at an undetermined site. Meaning. Yes he will be in a full special education class. Forgive me that is hard for me to swallow. Better yet he gets to ride the school bus to school now since he will no longer be going to his "home school". The little yellow bus will come to our house and pick him up. (Remember all the times you made short bus jokes? yeah it's like that) He is very excited to ride the bus and with the schedules we may have to juggle it will be for the best this way.
It's the best for him and that is all I want for him but it's hard for me. I wanted so much for him to be ready and he will be ready. Just not yet. It's better for him to have another year and better now when he's not really aware then later when he might have to repeat a class while his friends go on.
It's a slower paced class. It's a mixed class of children with mixed needs.
It gives him exposure to some devices to help him later on. For example he may have to do some work on a keyboard or computer for testing and assessments since his writing won't be a grade level for awhile.
I have emotion's all over the place about it. I am glad the services he needs are there for him. I am glad he has such a wonderful team taking care of ME. I am sad that I will have kids in two different schools and possibly one on a year round schedule and one a traditional schedule.
We have no idea what school we'll end up at. We have no say in it at all.
I have never felt so out of control before and you know how I just don't like that.

We'll get through it and it's the best thing for him I know.

It's given me a big headache and that hot teary eyed feeling.


Anonymous said...

Tammy.......I wish they had special ed when I was going to school. My early childhood and life would have been a lot better. You are so lucky to have a school and teachers with special training. He will do fine, he's still so young yet. We still have to have lunch and I'll tell you some of my problems growing up. I found out at 60 that I probably have had auditory dsylexia all my life. Instead of reversing things in writing, I hear things wrong and therefore can't always write or speak correctly. Joseph is such a cute kid and great family support. Love, Uncle Phil (and Suzanne)

Shauna said...

I happen to be married to an SDC teacher. Even though he teaches High School, I'll tell you right now-those people do amazing things! And the elementary SDC teachers that I know also love their kids. I think you did a great thing!
Tough decision-sometimes its hard to remember to do what is best for our kids, not just what we want.