Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I am so blogging about this!

Algebra. I had a heart to heart with my teacher yesterday and she is wonderful and supportive and kind and helpful and oh, all the things a teacher should be. Love her. But Algebra is just not my thing. So I struggle. I have a tutor and still I struggle. This is the third time I have taken this class and still I struggle! So my teacher says that maybe I need to take the Algebra class right before this one as a refresher. Kill me. As she spoke I found myself saying in my head "Oh I am so blogging about this sister!"
So I have a few weeks to make up my mind. Sit it out see if I can pull a C. (HA!) or drop it and repeat Math 80 and come back to Math 82 again. Kill me.

Spinning my wheels in mud is how I feel. Honestly I just want to go to work. I want to hold a paycheck in my hand and buy a new outfit for myself if I want or a new purse or get a haircut without rearranging the monthly budget in the blink of an eye.
The way I see it the boys and Dom come first, they are sacrificing enough for me to go to school I cannot ask for more. But this is getting old. I am tired. I am stuck. I can't see the end of it all. I enjoy school, I enjoy my instructors and most of my classmates but it's going so slowly and Algebra is just giving me loads of trouble.
So I went and talked to my counselor and he's wonderful to, kind and wonderful and it's all up to me they can't tell me what to do. I don't know what to do.
I came home and Dom just cannot believe I am struggling with this Algebra and yes, I know here I am struggling and so it goes. What to do?

So I took the boys (and Dom) to the park and the library (oh the Library) and Derek is into Artemis Fowl books. I can't seem to ever get them in the correct order. Goodness. So I am on the floor of the library searching, searching. In the end I still got them out of order but he's ok. Home we came and I am working on homework and a million other things and I forgot Joseph had an appointment for his adjustment. So we scurried off and the orthopedist was late so there we are in the therapy room while another boy was having his session. It's a funny thing when we mom's encounter each other. There are looks "hmm, what is up with her child?" and you try to guess, try to figure it out and sometimes you can't. Then you size up the disability "hmm, pretty mobile, ahh, fine motor skills delayed, oh, DAFO's hmm where did they get those shoes that fit the DAFO's so well?" glance, look, listen. sigh. And sometimes I feel like other mothers there look at me and my crazy running, wild son and think "Why on earth are they here?" and maybe it's envy and maybe it's not and maybe it's just the day I had. So the orthopedist shows up and guess what? Guess what? There is nothing wrong with the brace it's the SHOE. THE SHOE! We have to find different shoes! I could die! How many shoes have we been there for this brace alone? (4 if you're counting!) and so it goes. The shoes. The shoes. I told Jim (the orthopedist) I wanted to stick this shoe up his nose! I was just a bit serious.

Ok so that was YESTERDAY. Today Dominic decided to take me to school, take the boys over to Toys R Us so they could spend some Easter money that was burning holes in their wallets and then we were going to go Ice Skating. Deep Breath.
On our way to dropping me off at school, we got a flat tire on the Nissan. UGH! Flat as a pancake. Flat. So plans got all changed. I ran off to class, they changed the flat and got the tire fixed. We hit Toys R Us and Ice cream and got $80 worth of gas in the cars! (KILL ME!) and came home.

Derek got some Lego's (oh the Lego's) and Joseph got this crane. Goodness me is that crane noisy. So that is what has been happening the past two days around here.
I am going to go take a shower

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