Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pray for...

You know we love Carlos. He is a wonderful man. Period. (We love his whole family. They crack us up the So. Cal transplants surviving in Atlanta.)

Anyway, Carlos poses the question, how can I pray for you? And the responses he got clearly are from folks that I agree could use some prayers.
What do you need right now? What would you like God to help you with?
Chew on it. I do.
I am in a better place than I have been in many years. A few things bugging me, I am sitting on the fence about, not sure how it's all going to turn out. (Algebra, my dad's issues and his trips to Stanford, Joseph's upcoming trip to Shriners, housing market) but at the end of the day it's all in God's hands and he will see us through. I ask for good things for all those loving and deserving in my life. I pray for clarity to those that lack it. But I dare not pray for anything more. I could not ask for more than I have right now, plain and simple. But if you need it.. Carlos is offering. How nice is that? I told you he was a wonderful man.

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