Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Heather Asks if you're mom enough.

had an interesting situation where she was at an event that she did not want to miss but her son was tired and cranky and needed sleep. So she choose to put him in a room to "cry it out" and go to sleep and the host came to her and said she needed to move her son that she was being a bad mother for doing this. This statement upset Heather and she loaded up and left in the night and I guess ended missing the event.
A can of worms (as you can imagine) was opened up on her blog.

Where do I stand?
I have never let my kids cry it out. Maybe they are too emotional and too clingy now because of it. Dominic and I have never left them overnight. We hardly leave them for a day trip here or there. Maybe I made a huge mistake. They are not great sleepers so maybe I am a "what not to do" scenario. I guess with both of my kids having "issues" from Derek's asthma as a toddler to Joseph's stroke sleep has been a problem. Some nights I stayed awake with Derek to watch him breathing. With Joseph he just could not get into that Stage 2 sleep as an infant. How can I force him to cry it out when it was something he just could not do? I survived. I still don't get much sleep but I am working it out.

I don't think leaving your son in a strange room in a strange house while he cried while you are in another part of the house was a good idea. Crying it out is one thing but do it in your own home. I am sure you couldn't see me doing this ever.
Dominic and I do a lot for our kids and they are good kids I think. We have given up a lot for them but at the end of the day they are happy kids and we have a good marriage so it's all good. You raise you kids and I'll raise mine.
Anyway go check out what happened to Heather and the many comments she's getting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

after reading Heather, sounds like you are in the minority.