Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Looking at my stats today was pretty fun.
I am very close to hitting 15,000 overall hits.
Not nearly what some other bloggers get but not bad.
Plus I am global.
I have a reader from Holland and one from Canada. (Sorry about that I hate Canada thing awhile back I am working it out, I am.)
I have readers from Nebraska, Georgia, Virginia, Michigan, Nevada, Washington and New York and of course California. WOW!
I can tell most of you read on your lunch hour since I get most of my hits between
11 am and 1 pm and most of you come from your work IP addresses. (Yes I am watching you.)
I am so glad you all are here.
Welcome to you all. Thanks for stopping by. You all come back ya hear? (That is what my Grandma Sims would say to us. Crazy old lady that she was.)


Anonymous said...

tammy...i am your nebraska hit! i dont know if you know but i am jenn's cousin tracy! i enjoy reading about your family and i wish you much luck in algebra! god knows i did not do well in math in college! tracy

Anonymous said...

Yeah Tracy! I knew it was you! See Tamm? You have friends all over the are loved! :)