Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Maybe when one decides to use the word "retard" they should check the company they are in before throwing that word around. (Why you would even use that word is a mystery to me)

Perhaps someone in that group might have a child like those that you are referring to.

Perhaps that person might not like to find that you work with children and you made that comment.

What comes around goes around baby.

No apology needed, you won't offer one. But check yourself and sit with your self. How lucky are you? How are you living your life? How could it all change in the blink of an eye? Do you have any idea what a day is like for those "retards" or their families? As an educator do you know how very grateful we parents are for all that you do? How much we respect you and think of you as part of our team and sometimes our family? How saddened they would be to hear you refer to their child as a retard?

She made the comment in passing. She might have even been drunk. She did not make the comment to me, true I was not there. But she said it and someone heard it and it hurt a little. No names to be dropped it could ruin a career and I am not lined up for that I have a feeling she's well on her way to messing it up enough on her own.

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