Friday, May 30, 2008

Every new beginning is some other beginning's end.

Today was the last day of school for the boys. OR. Today was the first day of summer vacation.
We took the boys out to lunch at Chili's and then we baked them a cake and then we had dinner with my folks. I think it was a pretty decent day for them.
I did not cry. I made it through they day without crying. Even when I found out that I did not pass Algebra. Again. sigh. I did not cry. No use in crying about it. It is what it is.

I had to really sit with this and figure out what the deal is.
I had to really sit and think about this school thing. What I am doing?
The long term goal?
I had to really talk it out.
But I did not cry.
I will not quit. I will not let it get me. Yes I could get a job without this certificate. Yes I have my AA degree I should be happy with that.
I had to really think about that.
I have the answers and for now the answers are mine.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

I'm sorry about algebra. Math sucks. There is no other way to say it. That is why I went the english route.
It won't make you feel any better, but I know how you feel: I failed physics in college. Math and science should be banned from the human existence.
Cheer up. You should have gotten the molten lava chocolate cake from Chili's. It's the best one around and it always cheers me up.