Thursday, June 19, 2008

What a fabulous morning.

Is there any better way to start your day than to walk in to the kitchen at 6:30 am and find the counter covered with ants? None that I can think of.

I marched back to the bedroom and informed my husband that we had ants in the kitchen and I would appreciate it if he did not go out and count them (He does that remember? Here's one, oh and this is two and that's three, four... it kills me!) and if he would just let me handle it.
Normally he will pull everything out of the kitchen and I mean everything and spray everything and again I mean everything and it's just a whole process. Then he'll leave and I have to clean up the mess and put it all back.
Not today space rangers. (Sorry too much Toy Story at my house)
I took care of it.
Sigh. I really hate ants.
So this weekend I shall "bomb" the house with one of those bug bomb things. Dominic hates those and reads the directions a million times and it's this huge process (EVERYTHING for him is a process) but I have done it in the past and it gets done and the bugs are gone and all is right in the world. ho hum

So off to get more ant spray today. My fun does not stop! They will be back those stupid ants. They love Joseph. They know that he eats a lot and is messy when he eats. I think it was the It's It he had last night and was not too careful with that brought them. They lick their lips (do ants have lips?) and wait to see what he's going to drop next. In fact I am sure they had "I love Joseph" tshirts on. sigh.

So my summer vacation is getting better and better. Later today I get to mow the lawn. (I am such a lucky girl) Dom has a ton of homework and is complaining about not having any time and he doesn't really so I do what I can to make his life better and help him out. He gets up and goes to class, comes home and does homework till it's time to go to work . Comes home from work and goes to bed. That's it. I put food in front of him and pack his lunch, wash his clothes and kill the ants, for the next 6 weeks I shall add mowing the lawn to my list. Wish me luck with this chore.
(I think I am gonna cry.)

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