Wednesday, September 03, 2008


I am over it. OVER IT! It's too darn hot and it has been too darn hot for too darn long! I am over it. O V E R it! I am ready for fall. Please. And rain I would enjoy some rain.

Today I rode the bike to take Joseph to school. 1 mile to the school. 1 mile home. 1 mile back to pick him up, 1 mile back home. 4 miles (see those wonderful math skills?) now I am spent and hungry and HOT! I think that ride is going to be so much better in the fall. The fall. The wonderful fall. Where are you fall? The first day of fall is just a few days away isn't it? Isn't it? And hockey, that's coming. Can't be THIS hot at the beginning of hockey season.

So my baby boy will be 11 on Monday. 11. Goodness. He has little pimples on his nose. He is getting so big and grown up. He was arguing with his father the other day (this never happens) and I was sitting on the side lines listening. Usually I am the one he argues with. So I am listening and I am very impressed with his side of the argument. Not that I agreed with Derek I was still impressed with his logic. I can't usually see the logic when I am the one's arguing with.

His requests for this years birthday, besides Lego's (Lordy the Lego's) and Nerf items is a video camera. He wants to make movies. My mom got him a small one so I can't wait to see what he comes up with. Oh and money, he wants money. He loves gifts of money.

Remember that headache I had a few weeks ago, well it's back. That along with the 4 boys in my house and the food I haven't eaten much of lately. I can't think straight. It could be the darn heat. I think I'll do sit and watch the convention. Should be interesting. I enjoy great speakers lets see how they do tonight even if I don't agree with what they are sayin...but that's another post.

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