Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Tooth Fairy

My tooth is out. I tell Dom that I rank pain in terms of 1)Having Derek. 2) The roller blade accident of 1992 and this. Yup it's great. I was foolish to think I would have this pulled out and be on my merry way. Ha! Boy. The shot in the roof of my mouth, that was nice. The cracking and yanking on the tooth that was nice too. The pain meds that are not at the pharmacy. The best. sigh.
My boys are taking care of me so I think I'll survive. Joseph is excited to put my tooth under my pillow. I had to make sure the dentist gave it to me for him. ick.
So with a sore mouth we ate green mashed potatoes, biscuits with green butter and brocoli. I would have liked some corned beef but nobody around here eats it and I was not up for eating much more than mashed potatos so we did a nontraditional meal. The boys liked it. The mint ice cream is next.
I am off to take another nap and hope that the swelling goes down so I won't look like a lopsided chipmunk for too much longer.

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