Tuesday, December 01, 2009

25 Days of Christmas

It started with the ABC Family Channel on tv a few years ago. They have the 25 days of Christmas where they show Christmas shows every night. It's really great to see the classics and the new favs. Well now when we flip the calendar over to December it begins. This morning Joe says "Yeah the 25 days of Christmas"
He knows it's only 25 days now! Woo Hoo! I made the mistake of telling him right before bed last night that this weekend we were going to get the tree and put up the lights. It took half an hour to get him to stop asking me questions about the whole affair. He's pretty excited.

(Joe found this at Home Depot)

So I will give you 25 days of cheer to enjoy.
Enjoy my crazy family for the next 25 days.
If you're in the mood for a good Holiday show check out ABC FAMILY too.

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