Thursday, September 29, 2005

Falling out

What would be making my hair fall out?
I just colored it could that be it?
It's coming out in large clumps when I wash it.
Do I have some crazy disease?
Great just what I need. I so do not have time for that ok?


Anonymous said...

Yes, it could be a medical condition or nerves! Did you change haircolor?

Anonymous said...

You know my story...thyroid. Hypothyroidism. I also have problems with brittle fingernails, slow reflexes, and tiredness. If you have one or more of these your physician.

Balancing Act; Jenn said...

Nerves. Not enough sleep. Take your vitamins and drink lots of milk. Not sure what milk will do but it just sounds good. Doctor I am not...clearly.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should tell your husband to ease up on the hair pulling during "kink" night.

OR maybe.....
Quit your job, get a divorce and put your kids up for adoption. Within a few months you should notice a new found energy along with peace of mind that is topped off with a nice healthy head of hair!

yay for Dr. John!

hey.... wasn't that a 70's band?

and what the hell is up with all of the "spamming" in the comment section? Those people sure do know how to screw up a good thing.